Thursday, December 4, 2008

In the evening sky

Last night I noticed what at first seemed to be a plane in the eastern sky. It was after dusk but early in the evening. I watched it for a while the realized it was not moving. The lights where a bit unusual as far as planes or helicopters, we have a lot of military aircraft around where we live.

After some time I noticed that it kept pace with the stars around it and I could also see smaller red lights and blue filaments around these two or more pulsating lights.

Later I went back outside and saw Orion rising in the eastern sky. It's belt pointed to the spectacle above and I then realized it was in the Constellation Taurus. The Pleiades. I had never seen it before. Where it was in the sky that night made for an amazing display for the unaided eye. I can't wait for tonight where I get home I'll be out back again to see more of this wonderful sight.

"Many a might I saw the Pleiads rising thro' the mellow shade,
Glitter like a swarm of fireflies tangled in a silver braid."