Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Decline of the Art of Journalism

Journalism or the Press is considered the Fourth Estate. In the United States it can be seen as the fourth branch of government. Edmund Burke said after the French Revolution, looking up at the Press Gallery of the House of Commons, said, 'Yonder sits the Fourth Estate, and they are more important than them all.'"

Although not so directly tied to music the effects of this art form non-the less effect us all. Perhaps the relationship is similar to pop music, music made for the money directed at the unknowing, the uneducated, compared to music with noble intent and significance. For instance rock music becoming a parody of its former self. IMHO

Read this: When a Little Dissent is too Much

"Barry Nolan's opinion of Bill O'Reilly spun him right out of his job," the ABC website reported late last month. "The fed-up TV newsman lost his anchor seat after protesting a decision by a New England media association to bestow its top journalism award on the Fox News Anchor.
The Comcast management thought that Nolan’s use of the First Amendment was unbecoming of an anchor.

Barry Nolan’s response: "I'm interested in telling everyone in the country to stand up and say something is wrong when something is wrong. We've been through an awful dark time in our history where there are a lot of people telling you to sit down and shut up. From Dick Cheney to Bill O'Reilly, I'm done with bullies."

Be true to your art, your ideals and to truth. Humanity needs it.